Why Babookid?

A story of Babookid started with a mother who cares about the serene development of her children in a digital world. According to several specialists such as child psychiatrist V. Dunckley, digital monitors (television, video games, mobile phones, etc.) cause strong excitement in the brains of children still under construction, they quickly disrupt their behavior. among the consequences we find (sleep disorders, mood swings, attention disorders, hyperactivity, social difficulties, isolation, drop in school results, etc.) so as a parent we must find alternatives and motivations to attract the children\’s intention towards healthy sources.

However, to promote the health and development of children in a digital world, several strategies must be applied by the parents such as: screen time per day; replacing several activities/games with tangible objects…

For this, I have created for myself and other parents creative stimulating game alternatives, that not only give the child a pleasant time but also help in the development of children’s fine and sensory motor skills.

My products are real practical tools for parents, they help step by step to reduce the dependence of screens on a daily basis and thus “reset” the brain of children.

My first creation was named by my children Baboo, an exceptional toy! it is a 2in1, a toys and bookmark, the Children derive significant benefits from our Babookid due to the different things: the textures of the material used which is carefully chosen (soft, hard, smooth …). The different positions offered by Baboo helps improve the fine motor skills (a body that bends easily… hands that move, an expressive face with lips that change for the practical emotion (happy, sad…), movable eyes …
Babookid teach the child to be patient while handling this game to achieve the desired character. Babookid encourage the child to read a book and helps him to develop motor and sensory skills. That’s why Babookid is considered the best friend of the child during his learning, and encouraging him to read while having fun.

OUR CHILDREN ARE WHAT WE HAVE MOST PRECIOUS IN OUR LIFE so let’s work together for the healthy growth of all children

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