
A Sunny Sunday Picnic with Ellen and Babookid: Discovering Flowers and the Joy of Books

“You know what to do when the skies turn grey, and the clouds start thundering?” Ellen heard a familiar voice as she was tucked under her blanket. “You know what to do when the sun shines bright and the sparrows are chirping?” Ellen finally caught up to her favorite song. “It is the time to […]

A Sunny Sunday Picnic with Ellen and Babookid: Discovering Flowers and the Joy of Books Read More »

Why Babookid?

A story of Babookid started with a mother who cares about the serene development of her children in a digital world. According to several specialists such as child psychiatrist V. Dunckley, digital monitors (television, video games, mobile phones, etc.) cause strong excitement in the brains of children still under construction, they quickly disrupt their behavior.

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Lire8/ Babookid at the craftsmen’s fairs

(English will follow) Lire8 a eu le plaisir de participer au salon des artistes, artisans et entrepreneurs Autistes ce déroulant à Montréal. Une exposition très significative étant donné qu\’il a eu lieu en soutient des personnes Autistes. Soigneusement conçu et fabriqué main au Canada, les  produits Lire8 permettent aux utilisateurs de s\’amuser, d\’apprendre à leurs

Lire8/ Babookid at the craftsmen’s fairs Read More »

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