A Sunny Sunday Picnic with Ellen and Babookid: Discovering Flowers and the Joy of Books

“You know what to do when the skies turn grey, and the clouds start thundering?” Ellen heard a familiar voice as she was tucked under her blanket.

“You know what to do when the sun shines bright and the sparrows are chirping?”

Ellen finally caught up to her favorite song.

“It is the time to read a book, friends.”

It is the time to read a book with Babookid”

Both Babookid and Ellen were singing the song now.

“Good morning Babookid” Ellen whispered.

“Good morning, my dear Ellen!”

“It is finally the Sunday we have been looking forward to,” Babookid almost jumped in excitement.

“You know what happens today, right Ellen?” before Babookid could complete what he was saying, Ellen joined in.

“It is a Sunday, Babookid. Today, Mom takes us to a picnic of course!” both of them were now jumping up and down in exhilaration.

“We have waffles, and we have strawberries, we have muffins, and we have spring rolls!”

“We have everything we love, but do you know what is still missing?” Babookid points to Ellen.

 “A good book is all you need. A good is your friend in need. When you feel sad, you should always read a book. When you feel the happiest, you should read your book! And on a picnic, the best thing you can take with you is a big book!” Ellen hummed alongside Babookid.

She had learned these songs, because of Babookid and both of them would sing them out loud, together.

“Get ready kids!” It is time to go to the park!” Ellen heard her mom call her.

Ellen and Babookid started finding their picnic basket that they had set, last night.

They finally found it after a short while. They had packed everything. Including Ellen’s favorite book – Around the World in Eight Days.

Now that they had packed everything, both of them had breakfast. Ellen changed into an adorable violet dress and they were ready to drive to the park with mom.

Spring season was on it’s peak. With beautiful flowers all around, they laughed and played around the whole day.

“Do you what this flower is called, Ellen?” Ellen’s mother inquired as she pointed to a beautiful red flower.

“Now. This is the one we call a rose. It is an enchanting flower but its stem has thorns. Be careful around it too,” Ellen was looking at the gorgeous flower with wonder in her eyes.

“Can you tell me more about the flowers mom?” Ellen asked her mom as the three of them were munching on sandwiches.

“Do you know who is the right person to ask for this?” Her mom began singing the song.

“When you cannot find something or you seem to feel lost, you know who you should always ask?”

“It is the Babookid, friends. He is your friend in need, a friend indeed. It is the Babookid.” her mom completed the song for her.

And so Ellen took to Babookid and requested him to tell her about some flowers in the park.

“This one is called a Tiger Rose, because its petals have the pattern of a rose.”

“We call this white one a Tulip”

“Ellen, this beautiful big yellow flower that you see, which is brown in the middle, it is called as a Sun Flower!”

“A sun flower?” Ellen gasped.

“Yes. A sun flower. We call it a sunflower because during the daylight hours, it is always facing the sun. This yellows flower loves the yellow sun and hence it keeps looking at this direction!” Babookid explained to Ellen.

“That is so amazing, Babookid. Does the sun love the sunflower too?’”

“Yes, Ellen. Of course it does. Sun gives its light so the sunflower can grow! When we love others, we help them grow!”

“Just like you and mom help me to grow and learn, Babookid.” Ellen smiled.

That day, Ellen learned about lots of flowers.  On their way back, Ellen insisted to stop at a bookstore so she could get a book about flowers.

Her mom bought her an attractive big book and Ellen was excited to read it after going home.

They had a good picnic and it ended on a visit to the bookstore..

#book #read #toy #children #lire #livre #bookmarmaker

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